Benson Mwene Odina

Benson Mwene Odina

Benson Mwene Odina is an information professional primarily concerned with the collection, analysis, classification, manipulation, storage, retrieval, movement, dissemination, and protection of information, along with the interaction between people, organizations, and any existing systems. He is also a trained journalist with vast experience in covering people, their experiences, events, and activities. Additionally, he is a Communication, Marketing, and Public Relations Specialist who uses Integrated Marketing Communication aimed at ensuring that the prospect for a product or service is relevant to the target audience and consistent over time, with the intention of driving product sales and expanding the market base.

Barriers to Youth Prosperity in Business

In today’s rapidly evolving economic landscape, youth entrepreneurship has emerged as a pivotal factor in fostering innovation and economic growth. However, many young entrepreneurs face significant barriers that hinder their success. Understanding these obstacles is crucial for developing effective strategies…